References Asia

January 1, 2019

Support for efficient and effective energy management within Jordanian water sector

GIZ - Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Description of project:

Development of National Database for Water Sector (Water-Energy-Balance (WEB)).

Activities undertaken:

Envidatec GmbH was involved as a consulting firm and carried out the following activities:

  • Elaboration of Operational Action Plan for “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Enhancement”.
  • Conducting ISO 50001 GAP analyses.
  • Planning energy management system according to ISO 50001.
  • Implementation of the energy management system.
  • ISO 50001 training in the local communities.

Employees involved:

  • Thomas Frank: Team leader.
  • Detlef Borst: Energy Management Systems and Energy Audit Expert (Backstopping).
  • Peer Schuback: Energy Audit / Energy Management / ISO 50001 Expert.
July 25, 2017

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Bangladesh

- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

Description of project:

The project renewable Energy and energy efficiency for Bangladesh of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is a joint undertaking between the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR), the Government of Bangladesh and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The project was working with Bangladesh Government in developing the framework conditions of Bangladesh, in disseminating renewable energy technologies as well as helping industry, utilities, SMEs and private households to increase productivity through efficient use of energy and energy management.

Activities undertaken:

Envidatec GmbH was involved as a consulting firm and carried out the following activities:

Energy Auditor Qualification and Certification

  • Conducting study of existing energy auditor certification practice in comparable countries
  • Propose minimum qualification and experience required for an individual to be certified as an Energy Auditor
  • Development of curriculum, training content and exam standard for certification of energy auditors
  • Selection of one/more Certification institution(s) and certification procedure and
  • Determining responsibilities of Energy Auditors.

Provision of Energy Auditing in Industries

  • Propose an achievable timeline when energy auditing should be voluntary and then mandatory for certain industries/ sectors and frequency of auditing
  • Preparation of Energy Audit Reporting standard for industries
  • Propose phase wise, achievable but not too overambitious, reduction target for energy consumption and criteria
  • Recommendation on Incentive and Penalty mechanism

Large Energy consumers-Accreditation and appointment of Energy Managers

  • Setting the criteria to consider a consumer as large energy consumer
  • Qualification, experience, curriculum, training, examination standard and certification for Energy Manager
  • Responsibility of Energy Manager in industries
  • When a consumer will appoint an Energy Manager
  • Reporting format of energy savings for Energy Manager

Framework condition for a new Energy Services Company (ESCO)

  • Desk Review on Framework condition for a newly to be created institution, possibly called ESCO like in other comparable countries
  • Propose a suitable framework for ESCO operations in Bangladesh
  • Accreditation Procedure, Qualification and Experience for ESCO’s
  • Listing the responsibilities of ESCO and all mechanism needed for the official existence
July 25, 2017

Sectoral Expertise in Detailed Energy Audits for Turkey’s Industry

UNDP- United Nations Development Programme

The IEEI project aims to support the progress in industrial energy efficiency through a comprehensive and integrated approach that focuses on:

  • Contributing to the implementation of the EE Law by strengthening the institutional-regulatory framework and promoting the national Energy Management Standard;
  • Enhancing capacity and creating awareness in Turkish industrial companies as well as financial service and energy service providers;
  • Implementation of energy audits in large industry and SMEs;
  • Demonstration of state-of-the-art management practices, EE measures and technologies and appropriate business and financing models.

Envidatec GmbH was involved as a consulting firm and carried out the following activities:

Prepare an audit guide and related checklist for the specified industrial sectors

  • Determination of sectorial-based processes and their unique/distinctive characteristics inthe specified sector.
  • Identification of critical elements of the processes in the specified sector.
  • Identification of the issues to be cautiously cared in a detailed energy audit in the specified sector.

Preparation of a list indicating major parts/units that should be measured/monitor in the specified sector:

  • iron-steel,
  • cement,
  • glass,
  • food and beverages.

The prepared set of material (guide + checklist) was later used by the energy service companies while undertaking energy audits in the specified energy intensive industrial sectors.

December 1, 2018

Resource and Energy Efficiency Check (REC) for DEG partner

DEG- Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
12/2018 - 10/2022

Description of project:

Undertake Resource and Energy Efficiency Check (REC) for Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) partner companies with complex material flow located in developing countries and newly industrialized countries. The main aim of the project was to develop energy efficiency projects which present an investment opportunity for DEG.

Activities undertaken:

  • The framework of the project included the development and performance of trainings for the local auditors in the areas of energy efficiency, energy management system according to ISO 50001, energy audit according to ISO 50002, implementation of energy efficiency measures (lighting, pumps, HVAC, compressed air, steam, building performance, energy monitoring, etc.).
  • In the ISO 50001 work steps of the project, more than 20 on-site partners were found and internal audits, certification audits stage 1 and stage 2, and energy audits in different levels for 8 different target branches (steel, paper, hotels, residential buildings etc.) had been conducted.

Employees involved:

  • Detlef Borst: Project leader and senior energy efficiency expert.
  • Peer Schuback: Team leader and senior energy efficiency expert.
  • Rafaella Dourado: Energy efficiency expert.
August 1, 2018

Screening Best Available Technologies (BAT)

GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Description of project:

Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) and the Iranian Department of Environment (DoE) have recognized the implementation of “Best Available Techniques” as one key area for cooperation and identified the petrochemical industry as a priority sector in this respect. The main objectives of the project were:

  • Promotion of environmentally friendly industrial practices by making use of BAT a precondition for obtaining an environmental permit.
  • Development of proposals for establishing a coherent, effective permitting, monitoring, and inspection regime, including an improved approach with regard to: source pollution abatement, minimizing resource use and waste generation, and environmental protection.

Activities undertaken:

Envidatec GmbH was entitled to provide the necessary information and coordination support for the implementation of the GER-IRN BAT project in Iran.

Employees involved:

  • Detlef Borst: Project manager and backstopping
  • Behzad Aghababazadeh: Energy efficiency and BAT expert
September 15, 2019

Support DEG bank to conduct feasibility study for Gentherm Vietnam Co solar projects

DEG- Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
09/2019 - ongoing

Description of project:

The aim of this project is to support Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) bank to conduct feasibility study for Gentherm Vietnam Co solar projects in a range of 131 kW to 536 kW as well as supporting during the entire tendering process.  In addition, Envidatec entitled to conduct an ISO 50001 Gap Analysis for the client.

Activities undertaken:

  • Site Assessment.
  • Energy Yield Assessment
  • Economic Analysis
  • Preparing and submitting a feasibility study report
  • Support in tendering and bidding process
  • Support in contract negotiations
  • Support in tender evaluation and submitting evaluation report
  • Conducting an ISO 50001 Gap Analysis

Employees involved:

  • Thomas Frank: Team leader and energy efficiency expert.
January 15, 2021

Promotion of Energy Management and Energy Data Monitoring in and Municipalities in Pakistan

GIZ - Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
01/2021 - ongoing

Description of project:

The idea of this Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) project is to develop and establish a “Smart City Concept (SCC)” Energy Management System for Municipalities in Pakistan.

Activities undertaken:

Envidatec GmbH was involved as a consulting firm and carried out the following activities:

  • Support for efficient and effective energy management and energy monitoring.
  • Conducting ISO 50001 GAP analyses.
  • Planning Energy Management System according to ISO 50001.
  • Planning the energy measurement and monitoring systems for the buildings and supporting their implementation.
  • Implementation of the Energy Management System.
  • Development and providing ISO 50001 training in the local communities.

Employees involved:

  • Thomas Frank: Team Leader
  • Detlef Borst: Senior Energy Efficiency and Energy Data Monitoring Short-Term Expert
  • Peer Schuback: Senior Energy Efficiency and Energy Data Monitoring Short-Term Expert
  • Nils Heinrich: Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Short Term Expert
  • Elena Gvozdenko: Financial Backstopper
July 1, 2017

Strengthening Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Tajikistan

ADB - Asian Development Bank

Description of project:

The project of the Asian Development Bank helped develop a demand-driven, quality-assured, and flexible technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system responsive to labor market needs through:

  • Modern TVET methodology;
  • Upgraded physical learning facilities of selected TVET institutions;
  • Improved access to quality programs;
  • Strengthened governance and management.

Activities undertaken:

Envidatec GmbH was involved as a consulting firm and carried out the following activities:

  • Provide the client with inputs on modern international TVET practices for clean energy education.
  • Facilitate an understanding of opportunities for the progressive development of clean energy competencies for a future comprehensive industry-led TVET system in Tajikistan.
  • Mentor energy sector leaders and assist with workforce strategic planning linked to skills development for the clean energy sector.
  • Develop manuals and guidelines on the process of developing a clean energy sectorial occupational map.
  • Assist in mobilizing the industry to support the development of competency-based training (CBT).
  • Work with national competency standards specialists and facilitators who will work towards the development of competency standards and new technical and vocational qualifications.
  • Support the development of occupational standards and assessments, instruments, CBT curriculum, and learning materials.

Employees involved:

  • Detlef Borst: International renewable energy and energy efficiency expert, TVET expert in clean energy and energy efficiency.
  • Peer Schuback: Backstopping, International renewable energy, and energy efficiency expert, TVET expert in clean energy and energy efficiency.
February 1, 2017

Gyumri Urban Roads Project: Feasibility Study for the Urban Street Lighting Component

EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Gyumri Urban Roads Project: Feasibility Study for the Urban Street Lighting Component

Description of project:

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the EBRD) supported the City of Gyumri (Armenia) finance the rehabilitation of major streets, as well as the modernization of street lighting in the City. The proposed investments ensure that fit-for-purpose street lighting equipment with safe electrical cabling is installed in the City along the roads that are being rehabilitated under the Project.

Activities undertaken:

Envidatec GmbH was involved as a consulting firm and carried out the following activities:

  • Review, summarise, and document road and street development plans, available studies by local or international institutions, and the City’s investment proposals, and set out the rationale and justification for the street lighting (SL) component investments.
  • Determine the scope of the SL component that would be financed in the total amount of EUR 6 million by preparing the priority investment program based on the cost-benefit analysis.
  • Study and confirm the new and innovative green technology, specifically in carbon/economic savings, to be achieved in the SL component.
  • Financial planning, including CAPEX, OPEX, ROI, IRR, and NPV as well as the support of the saving calculations of the modern street lighting and the corresponding equipment.

Employees involved:

  • Detlef Borst: International energy efficiency and finance expert.
July 25, 2017

Energy Efficiency in Key Industrial Sectors in Iran (Cement Industry)

- United Nations Industrial Development Organization
9/2016 - 08/2017

Description of project:

The project "Energy Efficiency in Key Industrial Sectors" is financed by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as the implementation center of the GEF.

Activities undertaken:

  • Strengthening energy efficiency through the creation of voluntary energy agreements with the industrial sectors
  • Establish a framework for national energy management standards
  • Support for capacity building through training
  • Development of Energy Efficiency targets
  • Provision of benchmarks and above all the identification of technology improvement potentials for the energy-intensive cement industry

The results of the project present the latest state of energy efficiency in the cement industry in Iran. For Iran, which is one of the major cement producers in the world, energy efficiency plays an important role in making the sector more sustainable and competitive. Within the framework of the study, 23 cement production lines in Iran were compared with local and international energy-efficient practices and thus the assessment of the energy efficiency improvement in the sector was made possible.
