Energy consulting for a sustainable future.

We have been helping companies and the public sector save energy since 2001.
We successfully implemented over 750 projects in energy efficiency and renewable energy in over 40 countries, which makes Envidatec one of the leaders in energy expertise worldwide.
So far, we have found savings potential in every single company. We would be happy to help you achieve greater sustainability and lower energy costs in your endeavours as well!

Have you heard about the new Energy Efficiency Act and know that your company must introduce an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 or record your waste heat potential and report it to the federal agency?

Do you want to convert your fleet to electric vehicles and feed the charging stations with solar power? Do you need support with the mandatory preparation of sustainability reports (CSRD)?

Are the companies in your city looking for an economic way to become more sustainable?

We provide you with comprehensive advice, are well informed about the latest laws, support you in applying for funding and grants, carry out energy audits and energy management systems, automate the monitoring and analysis of your energy data (energy monitoring) and much more.

Whatever your question:
We can definitely help you with the topics of energy and sustainability.
Contact us now!

Our clients typically achieve savings of 5-15%.
Especially in less developed countries, the savings are often significantly higher.

How we support you:

You will find out which measures can help you save the most energy and money.

With an optimized energy supply, you are working towards a better world.

By expanding renewable energies, especially in rural areas, we support you to ensure a secure and sustainable energy supply.

We support countries in developing or adapting policies, like national action plans for energy efficiency and renewable energies or energy management systems.

Savings potential


Security of Supply

Development of policies and regulations

We support knowledge and awareness raising through training, workshops, curriculum development, TVET and more.

Capacity Building

You know what the situation is with your energy supply.


Some of our international achievements include:

projects in international cooperation.

businesses supported with their energy savings.

people trained in energy efficiency and renewable energy as part of capacity building.

countries advised on energy efficiency and clean energy.

Check out some of our international projects!


Unverbindlich, kostenlos, individuell: Erfahren Sie im 15-minütigen Energy Chat mit Peer Schuback, unser Experte für Energieeffizienz, alles, was Sie zum neuen Energieeffizienzgesetz wissen. Oder nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit um Ihre Fragen loszuwerden.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

We are proud to have supported countless companies and public institutions in Germany and around the world in saving energy. Together, we have reduced energy costs and made the world a little bit more sustainable. Our references include some of the largest and most successful companies and clients in the world. The international donor organizations for which we have carried out projects include:

From Hamburg for the world:

A sustainable world can only become a reality if we all pull together. Envidatec is proud of its strong community. In addition, two even more specialized companies have emerged from the work at Envidatec: finances and operates solar systems in emerging markets and actively promotes global sustainable development. Sun and Charge builds solar carports and other solar systems, and links them to charging stations for e-mobility so that parking customers can soak up the sun.

Beyond Envidatec: our partners

Over the years, we have not only been able to hire engineers from all over the world, but also supervise numerous bachelor's and master's theses and give young talents an insight into our exciting work as part of student internships. We are always looking for more employees!

Are you interested and would like to apply to us? Simply send an informal email to:
We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you with more information.
And who knows, maybe we will soon be able to welcome you as a new team member!

Contact us today

Detlef Borst

Your contact for international projects

Detlef Borst is one of the founders and head of the International Cooperation department at Envidatec. With 25+ years of experience as a consultant on all aspects of energy and over 100 successfully implemented projects in over 40 countries, he is one of the top experts and your contact for all international projects.

Peer Schuback

Your contact for clients in Germany

Peer Schuback is one of the founders and managing director at Envidatec. As an experienced manager with 25+ years of experience in energy efficiency, renewable energies, e-mobility and a leading expert in energy management, he is your contact for consulting in Germany.